May 2010

Trees: It Does the Earth Good!

We all know that planting a tree has many good effects on the environment. Below are the reasons you know why trees are good, and some you may not realize!
  • Trees offer shade for your home. This of course depends on the size of the tree(s) in your yard, but when they shade your home in the hot summer sun, they can lower your cooling bills and therefore your usage of electricity!
  • Trees remove chemicals from the air such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and ozone. The leaves and branches help filter out dust, ash, smoke, and pollen.
  • It is estimated by the USDA Forest Service that 100 trees can remove up to 5 metric tons of carbon dioxide, 400 pounds of ozone, and 300 pounds of particle waste out of our air each year. The Forest Service also did a study in New York City, and based on the amount of trees they have there, 1,800 metric tons of carbon dioxide were removed from the air by the trees in one year, and their service to society was valued at approximately $9.5 million dollars!
  • Do you remember what photosynthesis is? If not, let's take a trip back to Jr. High science! Photosynthesis is the process in which trees take in carbon dioxide and water to obtain their nutrients, and in exchange their waste by-product is oxygen. As we are all aware, human beings need oxygen to survive! Trees are an integral part of our survival!
  • The urban heat island effect is caused by inner cities, and the fact that they are up to 10 degrees hotter than suburbs or the countryside. It is because of the over-abundance of concrete and asphalt structures and the lack of trees and other vegetation. Many cities are now reverting back to putting in plazas and parks full of trees and other vegetation in an effort to reduce their carbon footprint.
  • Trees help absorb excess water into the ground when it rains. They help control rain runoff, and therefore helps prevent flooding.
  • As you may have already guessed, trees are beautiful! They are a vital asset to your yard's landscaping, and add beauty and value to your home.
Tree preservation is an integral part of our survival as a human race. If we take care of the trees we have, they will continue to take care of us in the future. Here at Hays, we have everything you need to take care of those trees, from mulch and borders, to garden hoses to water them. Stop on in today and ask us how you can help care for the trees you have!