March 2010

Spring Maintenance Tips

Finally, after a long, hard winter we are starting to finally see signs of spring! As glad as we are to see the snow, ice, and cold temperatures finally dissipate, we as homeowners need to be aware there are a few things we should start checking on our home in order to make sure it is ready for the year ahead.
  • Guttering and downspouts- Get up on a ladder and inspect your guttering. If it is full of leaves and other debris, clean it out. Be sure that it is still fastened to your home and re-attach it if it is not. Also, check it for holes and other wear and tear. If necessary, patch, repaint, or even consider replacing guttering if it is in very poor shape. It may not seem important, but without guttering, your home is very much susceptible to water leaks in the foundation.
  • Roof- While you are up on that ladder, be sure to check the roof, chimney, and any vents to make sure there are no cracks, missing pieces, or anything else. If there is excessive wear, you very well may need to fix or even replace your roof. If you are unsure of the extent of the wear and tear, ask a roofing contractor for a second opinion; a reputable one will tell you whether or not it needs replaced or simply repaired.
  • Siding and Paint- Check for cracking, peeling, chipping paint, and any cracks, holes, or any other abnormalities in the siding and paint on your house. Before assuming anything, check to see if the problem stems from paint or your siding. If it is your siding, fix it! If you simply paint over the problem, its like treating a bullet hole with a band-aid.
  • Foundation- Look for any cracks in the foundation, and take appropriate action to fix. Also, check for pooling water on the ground next to your foundation. If water pools, you should add a slight grade to your yard, 1/2 inch slope for every foot of length you go. Depending on your specific yard, it may not be necessary to go very far, usually a few feet integrated into the yard will suffice. See a landscaping professional for more detailed tips!
  • Sump Pump- If you have a basement, you most likely have a sump pump. When was the last time you tested it? Yeah, that's what I thought. Homeowners should test their sump pumps at least once a year, and most flooding occurs in the spring/early summer, so what better time to test it! If it is broken, don't worry; we have some in stock, or we can special order the one you need!
  • Windows- Check you windows for drafts, broken panes, and any other anomalies. If you noted which windows were drafty during the winter, now is a great time to replace them (as winter is not the best time to do so). Don't forget, if you buy qualifying windows, the government will give you 30% of the cost back on your 2010 income taxes (see June 2009 GToM for more details on the stimulus package).
The longevity of your home is up to you. If these things go unchecked year after year, you home may be in great disrepair before you know it. However, vigilance is key, and as long as you are proactive with the maintenance of your home, it will not seem so overwhelming and overall be more cost effective.