April 2010

Green Tips for Spring Cleaning

Some of us love it, some of us hate it. One thing is for sure; the time for spring cleaning is here! By now, I'm sure the spring fever bug has bitten you multiple times, and like it or not, your spring cleaning projects are ready for you! As always, we are looking for greener ways to do things, and cleaning is no exception. Here are some great ideas for you to jump start your spring cleaning!
  • Open your windows. It sounds incredibly simple and obvious, but simply opening your windows is one of the best ways to rid your home of the stale air you have been breathing for months. Do it on a day with a slight breeze, and you'll really get that stale air out in a hurry!
  • As fun as they are to use, ditch your artificial air fresheners. They smell great, but because they are made of chemicals, they can pollute your indoor air. Did you know that you indoor air can be up to 100 times more polluted than outdoor air? When you think of it that way, its easy to give up the air fresheners! Instead, use fresh cut flowers, cedar blocks, dried flowers, homemade sachets, or any other natural fragrance you can think of!
  • Start switching your cleaning arsenal over to vegetable based cleaning products. Lots of cleaning products are made of petroleum products, so we can save some of our natural resources, as well as save some money in the process. For instance, if every household in America switched one bottle of dish detergent to a veggie based product, we would save 82,000 barrels of oil! Clorox has now come out with a brand of green cleaning products, and I have tried several of them, and I am a believer!
  • Wanna know the secret ingredient to green cleaning? It is...vinegar! You can use it to remove carpet stains, clean kitchen floors, toilets, windows and mirrors, and anything in between!
  • Baking soda is another great cleaning agent. It can be used to clean more porous and sensitive surfaces by simply combining it with water to make a paste. You can also stick a box in the fridge and freezer to help keep your fridge smelling fresh!
  • Limit your usage of bleach. While it can be a great cleaning aid, it is toxic to people, pets, and the environment. In people and pets, it can burn skin and be fatal if swallowed. In the environment, it can kill any plant that gets in its path! There are many great bleach alternative cleaners, so take advantage of those!
  • Conserve the paper towels! Use natural sponges or rags to do your cleaning and wiping up spills. Sponges and rags can be washed and re-used, but paper towels are a one-time-use item. Plus, you'll save yourself a bundle in the long run!
We can all make the world a greener, cleaner place with a little ingenuity and elbow grease. After being cooped up all winter, its important that we freshen up and clean our spaces well before the summer rush hits! Stop on in today and we can help you with all of your spring cleaning needs!